Whether you’re experiencing hormone issues such as heavy or painful periods, PCOS, digestive disorders including IBS, feeling stressed or anxious, poor immunity, pregnancy, food sensitivities, thyroid disorders, fatigue, insomnia, struggling to get pregnant, IVF support and much more. Let us help you achieve optimal health and wellness and provide naturopathic health care for the whole family.
The journey to wellness may include prescribing natural medicine such as nutritional or herbal medicine, realistic diet and lifestyle recommendations and patient empowerment to achieve long-term positive change. This holistic approach looks after the whole you.
Naturopath Melbourne – Dealing With Insomnia
“I honestly can’t thank Rebecca enough. She is kind, friendly and so encouraging. I had been feeling exhausted and basically awful for over a year, attended my GP frequently and had many blood tests that all came back “normal”. I was prescribed medication I felt wasn’t going to help, but didn’t know what else to do- if my GP recommended it I thought it would help- it didn’t. I had been suffering from constant tiredness, not able to concentrate or focus- I even found holding a conversation hard, i was forgetful and found it hard to retain new information, I had trouble staying asleep- yet fell asleep on the couch every night, I also suffered many headaches and a constant feeling of “I can’t be bothered”. But after speaking to Rebecca I felt hope! I followed her advise and made some lifestyle changes and took the supplements she prescribed, within days I noticed small difference and within 2 weeks I felt AMAZING. I feel better than I ever expected possible. I honestly feel like I am now enjoying life rather than enduring it.” – Bec, via Google